Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back to the grind...

2011 sees me start another year of study towards my Master of Design. After taking the second half of 2010 away from study (to get married - yay!) I am looking forward to getting back into it.

I am a bit scared too, though.

I worry that I have once again 'bitten off more than I can chew', or some such metaphor. It seems rather silly of me to enrol in 2 subjects, technically a full time load, while I am working full time AND on weekends. But I don't want to be working towards my Masters for the next 5 years. I am almost halfway through - 5 subjects done so far, 7 to go - and this will be my third year at it. I must admit am pretty happy that I have managed to do it so far. And have managed to get much better marks than I could hope for too!

Initially I was driven to enrol in the Masters program because I wanted to learn all the things about design that were skipped over in my Tafe studies. Although the practical education from the Advanced Diploma allowed me to set out as a graphic designer and feel like I actually know what I am doing, I felt that understanding the theory behind design, the why and how it works, is crucial to being a 'good' designer.

Another factor in my feeling of dread is that I am in the middle of searching for a new job to replace the full time one that I hate, as well as trying to find somewhere new to live. It's a bit of a mad house at home at the moment, but as much as I would like to sit around vegging on the couch after work, I have committed myself to learning and discovering and exploring. And I am rather excited about it!


  1. Hi there, I've just enrolled in my first semester of the Masters...and i'm having those feelings of biting off more than i can chew as well.

    Congrats on the marriage...and enjoy getting out of that job you hate.

    See you in the discussion boards - Matthew

  2. You really have a lot on your plate! I think under such circumstances we often find out how much we're really capable of :)

    ....such as ways to annoy your boss ;)

    But seriously, good luck with it all! :)

  3. Hi Matthew :)
    Unfortunately the first week and a half of this subject haven't gone as well as I had hoped, technical difficulties on the RMIT blackboard and overextending myself looking for a new job & a new house, and suddenly I am behind in the learning activities!
    Hopefully I can catch up this week and stay on top of it.
    I hope you are not feeling too under pressure now :)
    Cheers - Sonja

  4. Thanks Hugh, I have the feeling that this blog, aside from being a required assessment item, is going to be quite cathartic for me as well. I am actually considering dropping my other subject so that I don't go insane too quickly ;)

    And yes, I am working on annoying that "boss" man, though it seems the best option will be when I leave and they have no slave to do their bidding, lol
